Make-it meaningful, Project 001 is a series of 50 limited edition Cyanotype original artworks.
Out of the Shadows explores our passion for precision in nature, and celebrates resilience through the winter season. Our medium was foraged from Burgess Park in South East London, a stone's throw from the founding studio space of Alice Made This.
Read more and find out about our giveaway, where you can own one of these limited edition Cyanotype artworks, signed by Alice.
Invented by Sir John Herschel in 1841, Cyanotypes are one of the oldest photographic printing processes in the history of photography.
Follow the highlights here and read more about the project on our blog!

Out of the Shadows
Created over the course of two weeks, the development of each unique artwork varies according to the layering of the iron salts, the chosen daylight hour, the exposure time, and the choice of flora. No two pieces are the same.
We will be gifting all of these 50 limited edition artworks to people who find us at our secret location on March 28th. Stay tuned to our Instagram for clues as to where!

Everything we are create with Make-it meaningful is our gift to you!

Follow us @alicemadethis and #makeitAMT on Instagram. It all ties back to the philosophies that drive the jewellery we design & make. Learn more here